4 Big Elements of Maintaining Property Heating and Cooling Systems – and How HVAC Services Can Help

Any property owner who has experience trying to keep buildings in good shape should understand how important it is to maintain HVAC systems, and to have a good relationship with an HVAC company. Throughout almost the entire year, these systems are running to make homes and other spaces comfortable and livable for whoever is inside. Here are some of the major aspects of dealing with HVAC systems that property managers or homeowners need to stay on top of.

Servicing HVAC Equipment

One of the ongoing tasks that helps property owners get more out of an HVAC system is routine maintenance. For example, on a furnace, there will be an air filter that should be periodically replaced per manufacturer guidelines. This seems like a small detail, but good maintenance can really improve the life and performance of a furnace. If the property owner can’t perform this maintenance, he or she should find someone else to do it – HVAC contractors can often provide these services in addition to emergency repairs.

Dealing with Accessories

Another challenge of maintaining HVAC systems is dealing with some of the external accessories that may have been added to a system. For example, a home might have a “whole house humidifier” to deal with the dry air from forced air heat systems in winter. The component will be attached to the furnace and it will have its own drain and filter that will need maintenance. Another related challenge is keeping on top of cleaning out ductwork to improve air quality.

Evaluating Air Flow and Spaces

Most buildings have some amount of air flow disequilibrium – the HVAC system doesn’t just heat every room the same, and magically make every space a comfortable temperature. Instead, the system is working to elevate or decrease the temperature from a set point, and that means that windows, doors, walls and other infrastructure change how that work is applied.

Property owners should be evaluating how air flows to different areas of the building, and how they can get the temperature outcomes they want, upstairs or downstairs or in a given room, such as a bedroom. Part of this process involves “weatherization” where property owners look at how to insulate areas to make heating and cooling more efficient (and often improve performance in the process.)

Good HVAC services can help with all of the above by assisting customers in figuring out how best to repair and maintain systems over the long term. Sometimes, something breaks on a furnace or water heater, or other piece of equipment, but other times it’s just a question of doing the work required to keep things humming along smoothly.

KD Mechanical offers a bi-annual services agreement to serve customers in a more holistic way. We’ll keep an eye on the small stuff and the big stuff, making sure to evaluate HVAC systems for performance while staying on top of immediate fixes. Ask us about how we support our customers in keeping heating and cooling systems in ship-shape and giving property owners peace of mind year in and year out.

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